Couple sitting outside their camp in the mountains under a starry night sky.Sep 15: New Moon

A New Moon in the sky means no moonlight to hinder your view of stars and planets. Use the Interactive Night Sky Map to find out what planets are visible tonight and where.


Orionids meteor showerOct 21/22: Orionid Meteor Shower

The Orionids are the second meteor shower in October. The shower peaks on October 21-22 but usually remains active between October 2 and November 7. The best time to see these shooting stars is between midnight and sunrise.


Illustration imageNov 17/18: Leonid Meteor Shower

The Leonids’ shooting stars are visible between November 6 and 30, and peak on the night of November 17 and early morning of November 18, with up to 15 meteors per hour.


Illustration imageDec 14/15: Geminid Meteors

One of the best meteor showers of the year, the Geminids peak on the night of December 14 and early morning hours of December 15. This is just after New Moon, which should make this a great year for the Geminids.


Dark sky with tree silhouette and shooting stars.Dec 22/23: Ursid Meteors

Catch the shooting stars of the last major meteor shower of the year, the Ursids, when it peaks in the night between December 22 and 23.